Ghoulies Go to College (Ghoulies III) (1991)

August 3, 2018

Directed by: John Carl Beuchler

Written by: Brent Olson

Starring, ,

Tagline: Out of the bowl... and TOTALLY out of control

Trivia: This movie is the film debut of actor Matthew Lillard.

Alright, I'm going to make this a quick one. Growing up Ghoulies II was one of my favorite films. It had some horror elements to it while being largely a comedy. It was one of those bad movies that are so fun. This one however was just bad. It tries to be a comedy but I have no idea who it thinks its comedic audience is. The jokes, score, and sound effects are extremely reminiscent of a "made for TV" Disney movie or Nickelodeon Show. It seemed straight out of iCarly. So one might think, maybe they are making a scary movie for kids (like the previous one, or Troll, or Gremlins). Wrong. The movie is so choked full of nudity that it got an R rating.

Some college kid finds a Ghoulies comic book and summons the Ghoulies who come out through his frat toilet. A professor then gets the comic and tries to seek revenge on the college kids using the Ghoulies because they were jerks to him in his class. Meanwhile it's prank week so there's that. And there is some lazily written love story.

Oh, and in this film the Ghoulies now can talk. So the entire film is filled with this baby voice gibberish and stupid 90s frat movie inspired lingo. It is really obnoxious and most of the time you cannot understand what they're saying, not that what they say ever matters in this stupid film.

There is no blood in this film. For some reason, the filmmakers wanted to make a bloodless horror film but ramped up the nudity. I don't know. Maybe someone found it fun in the "so bad, its good" kind of way, but I could not get into it. The Ghoulies, which if we are being honest are just Gremlins ripoffs, are so silly it is stupid in this film. It looks like the filmmakers took every frat stereotype they could possibly find and crammed it into this film just so you know during every single minute that these are wild frat kids who don't play by the rules. Pardon my language, but it was fucking dumb.

Ghoulies III, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

If you disagree leave me a comment.

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